TOMS shoes is a company that has always focused on giving back. Toms is now striving to unite humanity and make the world a more peaceful place. Children around the world struggle with literacy due to limited access to basic education. Through literacy, we can bring more peace to our world and bring people together.
At the Tom’s Reading Room, people of all ages and cultures can come together to educate children across the world in need of literacy help. Connect. Read. Transform.
Case Study Video
How it Works
Sign up to read
Through a partnership with Delta, if the flight coincides with a story time slot, passengers can book their ticket online and choose to volunteer.
The variety of languages and cultures allows Toms to help children all around the world. For example- connecting spanish speaking travelers with kids in Mexico, or Swahili speakers to kids in Kenya.

45.7 million travelers come in and out of airports yearly, bringing many cultures and languages to one place. Passengers can use the time before their flight to broaden a child’s horizon. Open your mind at the Toms Reading Room- exclusively with Delta.

Receive perks for volunteering
Signing up will give volunteers access to extra perks on their flight such as free wifi or seating upgrades. The printed or digital ticket will allow access into the room.
Inside The Toms Reading Room
Located by your flight gate you'll find the reading room. Once in the room, passengers can grab Toms coffee, select a book and meet other people on their flight that have also signed up. Together, they will connect via online video chat with kids across the world and begin reading. The sessions will be recorded and can be used for future learning purposes.

In-airport advertising
Through in-airport advertising people can find out about the Toms Reading Room. This would apply to those having unexpected delays, long layovers, or extra time on their hands.

Through the Tom’s Reading Room, people of all ages and cultures can come together to educate children in need and bring peace to our world. Connect. Read. Transform.
If you would like to see more work, feel free to contact me.